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Who We Are

ADC 1 is made up of Locals 21, 56, 74, and 79.  Our Union represents a wide range of trowel trades including Bricklayers, Concrete Specialists, Cement Finishers, Foam Insulators, Marble Masons, Marble Finishers, Mosaic Workers, Plasterers, Pointers Cleaners and Caulkers, Precast Workers, Refractory Workers, Stone Masons, Tile Layers, Tile Finishers, Terrazzo Workers, Terrazzo Finishers and Welders. 

Join Us


Upcoming Events

25 Mar

Local 21 Union Meeting

6:00PM - 10:00PM

660 N. Industrial Drive

Elmhurst, IL 60126

10 Apr

Local 74 Union Meeting

7:00PM - 8:00PM

Where:  Union Hall, 660 N. Industrial Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126

12 Apr

Local Apprentice Contest

8:00AM - 8:00AM

DCTC 2140 West Corporate Drive, Addison, Il. 

15 Apr

Local 56 Union Meeting

6:00PM - 8:00PM

ADC Union Hall, 660 N. Industrial Drive, Elmhurst, IL 60126

19 Apr

Local 79 Membership Meetings

9:00AM - 9:00AM

Peru Location: 3691 Cougar Drive, Peru, Il. 

Recent Actions


The R.E. Shepherd Scholarship Fund was established in 1977 to honor one of the founding fathers and most influential members of the Ceramic Tile Layers Union, Local 67 of Illinois. Holding the highest position in the local union and named a Vice-President of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, his vision was instrumental to the growth and success of the union movement. This scholarship continues his legacy of helping proud union families prosper.


The R.E. Shepherd Scholarship Foundation will award four $5,000 scholarships based on academic achievement and potential, and one $5,000 scholarship to be determined by a random drawing of all those applicants with a GPA of 3.0 or above who did not win one of the four academic scholarships.


Each candidate must be:

  1. A high school senior at the time of application.
  2. Provisionally accepted as a full-time student into an undergraduate degree program at an accredited college or university.
  3. A dependent child of a member in good standing of the BAC ADC 1 of IL.

Entry Requirements:

 The following information is required from each candidate:

  1. Official transcript of all high school records.
  2. A copy of your high school’s method for calculating your GPA.
  3. Official copy of ACT or SAT test results.  

A completed application, including all required attachments listed on the last page of this application (essays, extra-curricular activities, etc.) postmarked no later than Friday April 4, 2025. 

William A. Lee

Submission Deadline: Completed applications must be sent electronically to the Chicago Federation of Labor by Friday, February 21, 2025 at 5:00PM. Applications and all supporting documents should be emailed all together to

Each year, the Chicago Federation of Labor awards 10 William A. Lee Memorial Scholarships to high school seniors, five to the winners of the Academic Competition, and five to the winners of the Random Drawing. The scholarships, valued at $2,000 each, may be used at any accredited college or university in the United States.

The Chicago Federation of Labor renamed the scholarship in 1985 to honor Mr. Lee, the CFL’s longest-serving president. Mr. Lee devoted over 60 years to the cause of labor and civic and community service, with 38 of those years at the CFL.

U.S. Bates

BAC annually awards three scholarships to students whose parents or step-parents are US BAC members. The stipends are $5,000 per year for up to four years – up to $20,000 total.

To be eligible for the scholarship, students must: 

•    Be a senior in high school and planning to enter college in the fall of 2025
•    Be the child or stepchild of a US member in good standing of a US BAC Local

The US Bates Scholarship program is administered through International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS).    

The application deadline is April 09, 2025. ISTS will notify all applicants of the selection results in June 2025.

To access the online application, please visit Please click here to view a list of frequently asked questions about the scholarship.

Questions? Call BAC at 1-888-880-8222 ext. 3887, or email

ISTS offers tuition discounts at more than 100 accredited colleges and universities for all applicants of the US Bates scholarship.


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